Alas, torrenting has become ridden with copyright legal disputes in recent years. Such disputes have led to the blocking of torrent websites in various countries, but you can still download torrents from blocked sources with VPN software installed. To open torrented files, you’ll need BitTorrent client software. The uTorrent software is among the best BitTorrent client packages.

How can I remove ads from uTorrent?

As you already know, there’s a freeware uTorrent version that includes ads. There’s also an ad-free version of uTorrent that’s retailing at $4.95 per year. However, there is also a way to remove the ads from the freeware uTorrent. And this is what we will explore in today’s guide. We will show you how to download and install the app, then how to remove the ads from it using the settings. Here we go!

1. Download and install uTorrent

2. Remove ads from uTorrent

There is a way to remove ads on uTorrent without having to pay for the ad-free premium version. What you have to do is manually modify Advanced options to configure the app to no longer show ads.

  1. Open uTorrent.

  2. Click the Options button in the upper-left corner of the screen.

  3. Select Preferences from the options.

  4. Click Advanced to open a list of flag options for uTorrent.

  5. Next, you’ll need to find each of the following flags by entering them separately in the Filter search box:

offers.left_rail_offer_enabled offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled gui.show_plus_upsell bt.enable_pulse gui.show_notorrents_node offers.content_offer_autoexec

  1. Select the False options for each of the above flag settings.
  2. Select the Apply option.
  3. Click the OK button to exit the Preferences window.
  4. Click the X button at the top right of the uTorrent window to close it.
  5. Right-click the system tray icon for uTorrent and select Exit.
  6. Click the Yes button to confirm.
  7. Thereafter, restart the uTorrent app. Now uTorrent will no longer include any ads.

As you can see, you don’t need to upgrade to the paid version to remove uTorrent ads. However, the premium version also comes with premium support and streamlined torrenting that you don’t get in the freeware alternative. Overall, the premium version delivers just want it advertises, a premium experience and if that’s what you envision, you might want to reconsider your budget and go ahead and give it a try. To upgrade to the ad-free version, click Options > Get uTorrent in uTorrent and select the Upgrade to Ad-free option. Let us know if you found this guide helpful by using the comment section below.

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